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For the last 39 years, PYD has strived to create a world where young adults with disabilities are able to lead self-determined lives filled with purpose and meaning.

Our Career Readiness Program is for transition-aged youth with disabilities, ages 14-22, that addresses barriers to employment in meaningful and measurable ways via a three-tiered experience-based curriculum of 1.) classroom learning, 2.) real world experiences (guest speakers, job shadows, mock interviews and trade shows), and 3.) mentoring from professionals. PYD’s program integrates universal design for learning which accommodates all learning styles, incorporating visuals and experiential learning to increase engagement and retention of information, leading to a high success rate of career ready individuals.

Our School Based Program teaches the full Career Readiness curriculum in three Boston Public Schools for the entire school year focusing on job-readiness, disability disclosure, and entrepreneurship. A supplemental component of the program is Career Immersion, which utilizes a differential placement framework to tailor career immersion activities to individual student needs including one-on-one job readiness counseling and job placement support.

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) is offered to students in over 30 schools in the Greater Boston Area, and is available year-round. Participants choose from five components of the program - Job Exploration Counseling, Work Readiness Training, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Counseling on Postsecondary Education, and Self Advocacy – for a highly individualized and inclusive service plan. As part of our Pre-ETS program, we partner with local businesses to offer Internships to youth who are work ready and engaged in the program.



Our largest annual fundraiser brings together Massachusetts’ business leaders, supporters, and program participants to honor individuals and companies that empower individuals with disabilities. Over 200 guests are expected at this year’s party, spotlighting our Career Readiness program.

Funds raised support all PYD programs each year.


Thank you to our generous sponsors!

  • Schawbel Company
  • The TJX Foundation
  • Van and Kimberly Gurley
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance
  • Marcus Partners
  • Stephen & Donna Mastrocola
  • Wolf & Company PC